Trev Positioning System (TPS) : St. Austell, Cornwall, UK [map] [photos] [info]

Photo of the week : Cloudy can be beautiful - Mevagissey, Cornwall.

From Cornwall Summ...

Contact me: trevorreeves-at-gmail-com

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The first days...

OK, so I am now in Venezuela making my way to the city of Merida in the south west of Venezuela, where I will start a language course on Monday. My time untill then consists of taking buses, staying in dingy but cheap hotels, taking any oppurtinities to see some local sights along the way and practice my infantile spanish.

This place has energy that´s for sure, and a certain smell to it; a combination of diesel fumes, garbage, tropical fruit, baking concrete, and street stalls selling fried food. The soundtrack is constant; it varies from latin folk to somekind of mix of reggae, salsa and latino pop. It exists everywhere, on the buses, on the streets, and in the shops and restaurants (and internet cafes), and some of it ain´t bad. And people, lots of people. Oh, and the weather is fine too, damn fine.

I´ve got to head off now, but photos will follow shortly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hiya Mate,

How's it going? is the studying ok? I'm sure it is better than doing your NVQ?

