Trev Positioning System (TPS) : St. Austell, Cornwall, UK [map] [photos] [info]

Photo of the week : Cloudy can be beautiful - Mevagissey, Cornwall.

From Cornwall Summ...

Contact me: trevorreeves-at-gmail-com

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm Off

Mortgages, Cheddar Cheese, pensions, student loan, English Mustard, insurance, my CD collection... I'm turning my back on it all, and heading straight for Heathrow, well Venezuela actually.

After just over two years working in computer software I felt the need to get back into my real interest of exploring the outdoors, visiting new places and learning new things. I saw my chance for a quick 'career break' and grabbed it with both hands (whilst wearing a pair of waterproof yet breathable gloves of course).

The plan is to take about 6 months to travel and explore my way from Venezuela up through Central America. Note the word 'about' and the vagueness of the route here. The first 5 weeks or so are relatively planned, with some rough ideas to follow after that. The key phrase of this trip is 'be flexible' (so I guess I should get on with those stretches my physio was always on about). Some of you might guess, that this kind of suits me as I seem to have a great aversion to planning and preparing for things properly.

So the plan is to study the language, experience and explore the different cultures along the way (of which food will form a major part I assure you), and try and see some of the spectacular natural wonders these countries have to offer, and basically, just see what happens. I'm leaving for Venezuela on January 16th, but first it is to Sicily for a week of great food, good company and atrocious driving.

I'm not too sure what this blog will turn out to be, but I hope to write a little every week or so, or at least keep the TPS updated, and load some photos up every now and then. I hope to still keep in touch with everyone via email, and any emails are always welcome, and I think you can even add replies to a specific entry on this blog - modern technology hey! And of course, if anyone has the urge, they are welcome to meet me somewhere along the way and travel with me for a while - just drop me a line and we can sort things out.

Happy New Year anyway, lets hope this one's bitchin' !



Emma Paling said...

Ok this is just a to test if it works... great to see you've set this up before you leave :) can't wait to hear the about your amazing adventures you will get up to! Take care mate and all the best,

Dan said...

Hiya Trev - looks an excellent idea, very witty thusfar. Cheddar is spelt with an 'a' by the way. I'm slightly jealous, but hey Venezuela is all baseball, baseball, baseball. I love the passion of the people tho - I remember seeing some documentaries on the Chavez thing a few years back. Stay in touch. See you tomorrow for a game of badminton

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time. Enjoy all the drugs, drag queens, religious nutters, gang wars, & tequila you come across.

At least I know where I can post some questions when I get stuck in the XML quogmire you left me in!!!

Alan M

PS Avoid the 'dust till dawn' vampire bar in Mexico - unless the sun is shining.

Anonymous said...

Well best of luck fellow traveller. May see you somewhere along the world if our pathways meet friend! Just spent a week in Tazmania and now back in Melbourne. I'll keep myself posted with your blog from time to time and see if your having a better time than me, doubt it though!! Phil