Trev Positioning System (TPS) : St. Austell, Cornwall, UK [map] [photos] [info]

Photo of the week : Cloudy can be beautiful - Mevagissey, Cornwall.

From Cornwall Summ...

Contact me: trevorreeves-at-gmail-com

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A man without his fridge

Well Mike, as you don't keep your own blog, I'll keep one for you...

Things haven't gone completely to plan in the latest developments in Mike's solar powered fridge project. After returning to the U.K. for a month to continue testing and tweaking the prototype, Mike came across some small print in the published output figures thingys of the solar panels. It turns out they don't quite produce the same amount of power output under the conditions present in Honduras that he thought they did (apparently its too hot and there's too much sun in Honduras). This apparently makes the whole design unfeasible.

This is a big shame as Mike's has been working on this for more than 3 years, and got to the point of a working prototype, and setting up a business plan in Honduras, - and to have it finally fall apart now is such bad luck.

But this hasn't stopped Mike. Like Kylie Manogue or Madonna, Mike has reinvented himself (not the fridge), and acquired a job in Peru (as you do), working for a charity called Practical Action developing 'small hydro stations' (whatever they are).

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